ICS Components Reference

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Sockets components

These components implement the basic TCP/IP sockets.

TWSocket - Basic Socket

TWSocketServer - Basic Server Socket

Protocol components

These components implement some of the protocols used by TCP/IP applications, over the Internet. All are implementing RFCs as described on the IETF website.

TFingerCli - Finger Client

TFtpClient - FTP Client

TFtpServer - FTP Server

File:HttpCli.jpg THttpCli - HTTP Client

TNntpCli - NNTP Client (News)

THtmlNntpCli - HTML NNTP Client

TPing - Ping client

TTnCnx - Telnet Connection

TSmtpCli - SMTP Client

TSyncSmtpCli - Synchronous SMTP Client

THtmlSmtpCli - HTML Smtp Client

TPop3Cli - POP3 Client

TSyncPop3cli - Synchronous POP3 Client

TWait - Wait socket

TDnsQuery - DNS Query Client

THttpServer - HTTP Server

Helper Components

TMimeDecode - Mime Decoder

TTnEmulVT - Telnet VT Terminal emulator

TTnScript - Telnet Script

TEmulVt - VT Terminal Emulator

TMbxHandler - Mail Box Handler