Midware TAppServer

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Main page -> Midware component reference -> TAppserver


unit ApServer.pas

TAppServer is the communication kernel for all MidWare application servers. This component handle all the communication work for the application server, keeping track of user connections and sessions. A complete application server is made of a TAppserver component, a TRequestBroker (Object Request Broker) component and a set of TServerObject descendent components.


Banner The banner property is the text that is sent to the client when the connection has been established. Default value is 'Welcome to MidWare server'.
ClientCount Gives the actual number of connected clients.


DisconnectAll Disconnect every connected client. Do not confuse with the Stop method.
Start The start procedure will start the server. The server will accept new client connections. See also Stop.


OnAfterProcessRequest The OnAfterProcessRequest is called when a request has been processed by a TServerObject.
OnAfterSendReply The OnAfterSendReply event is called once the reply header and body has ben written to the internal buffer for sending in the background.

How to

Midware Components Reference