Revision as of 10:53, 15 September 2006 by Markus.humm (talk | contribs) (Dup with wrong var called...)
Main page -> ICS component reference -> TWSocket -> Dup
method Dup: ?;
Dup is used to assign a new window handle to a TWSocket. This sounds complicated but is normally used in a TCP-Server (TWSocket.OnSessionAvailable) to transfer a newly accepted connection to another socket which will be used then to deal with that connection.
The following example is the accepting of a single incomming TCP connection on the server side. The asoc named TWSocket should have a OnDataAvailable handler assigned to handle the incomming data.
asoc :TWSocket; // socket where the connection will be transfered to, // would normally be outside on SessionAvailable procedure TServerSocket.MyOnSessionAvailable(Sender: TObject; ErrCode: Word); var NewSocket:TSocket; // information about the incomming connection begin // only accept it when asoc doesn't yet exist if not assigned(asoc) then begin try // We need to accept the client connection NewSocket := Accept; // accept the incomming connection // and then associate this connection with our client socket asoc:=TAnswerSocket.Create(nil); asoc.Dup(NewSocket); except On e:exception do begin ShowMessage(e.message); end; end; end; end;