Midware TAppSrvClient.OnBeforeProcessReply

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Main page -> Midware component reference -> TAppSrvClient -> OnBeforeProcessReply


<syntaxhighlight lang="delphi"> type TProcessReplyEvent = procedure (Sender : TObject; var CmdBuf : PChar; var CmdLen : Integer) of object;

property OnBeforeProcessReply : TProcessReplyEvent; </syntaxhighlight>


Occurs when a reply has been received and before it is processed.

The event OnBeforeProcessReply is triggered when a reply have been received from the server, just before it is processed for header and body extraction. This event is the right place to decrypt or decompress data sent by the server. The event handler can allocate some resource or memory and change the parameters passed. To free resource and memory, use the OnAfterProcessReply event which will pass the same arguments.