Midware TMWTable.OnDeleteError

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Main page -> Midware component reference -> TMWTable -> OnDeleteError


<syntaxhighlight lang="delphi"> type

  TDataAction = (daFail, daAbort, daRetry);
  TDataSetErrorEvent = procedure(DataSet: TDataSet;   E: EDatabaseError; var Action: TDataAction) of object;


<syntaxhighlight lang="delphi"> property OnDeleteError:TDataSetNotifyEvent; </syntaxhighlight>


Occurs when an application attempts to delete a record and an exception is raised.

Write an OnDeleteError event handler to handle exceptions that occur when an attempt to delete a record fails. E is a pointer to the database error object that contains the exception error message so that an application can display an error message. Action indicates how the handler should respond to the error.

See Delphi help about TDataSet.OnDeleteError for more details.