Main page -> ICS components reference
-> THttpServer
- unit HttpSrv.pas
- inheritance THttpServer- TComponent
THttpServer component is implementing the server side HTTP protocol. HTTP protocol is the standard protocol for browsing the World Wide Web.
If you want to write a web application, you should use THttpAppSrv which derive from THttpServer and add a lot of nice features to ease writing HTTP application server.
Addr |
Binds the server to a specific IP-address and only receives request for that IP+Port.
AuthDigestMethod |
Select the method to be used for digest authentication.
AuthDigestNonceLifeTimeMin |
Life time for digest nonce.
AuthRealm |
Name space for authentication.
AuthTypes |
Allowed authentications methods.
DefaultDoc |
Name of the default document.
DocDir |
Path name for the root directory where documents are stored.
IcsLogger |
Reference to the TIcsLgger component.
KeepAliveTimeSec |
Keep alive time expressed in seconds.
LingerOnOff |
How linger must be done. This affect the way sockets are closed.
LingerTimeout |
How long should the socket linger when closing.
ListenBackog |
How many connections can be queued by the OS before refusing new connections.
MaxClients |
Maximum number of simultaneous client accepted. Use 0 if not limit desired.
MaxRequestsKeepAlive |
Name |
Component name.
Options |
Affect how the component is operating.
Port |
TCP port number the component has to listen to.
Tag |
TemplateDir |
Path where the component search for dynamic pages templates.
Runtime properties
ClientCount |
Number of currently connected clients.
Client |
Array of connected clients. Index is from 0 to ClientCount - 1.
ClientClass |
Reference to the class the component has to instanciate for each client.
WSocketServer |
Reference to the underlaying TWSocketServer.
Start |
Starts the webserver so it lisen for incoming requests.
OnServerStarte |
Triggered when server has started listening
OnServerStopped |
Triggered when server has stopped listening
OnClientConnect |
Triggered when a client has connected
OnClientDisconnect |
Triggered when a client is about to disconnect.
OnGetDocument |
Triggered when a client sent GET request. You can either do nothing and let server handle all work, or you can build a document on the fly or refuse access.
OnHeadDocument |
Triggered when a client sent HEAD request. You can either do nothing and let server handle all work, or you can build a document header on the fly or refuse access.
OnPostDocument |
Triggered when a client sent POST request. You have to tell if you accept data or not. If you accept, you'll get OnPostedData event with incomming data.
OnPostedData |
Triggered when client post data and you accepted it from OnPostDocument event. When you've got all data, you have to build a reply to be sent to client.
OnHttpRequestDone |
A HTTP request has been handled on behalf of a client.
OnBeforeProcessRequest |
Triggered before processing any request.
OnFilterDirEntry |
Triggered to filter directory entries.
OnAuthGetPassword |
Triggered to get the password for authentication
OnAuthResult |
OnAuthGetType |
OnAuthNtlmBeforeValidat |
How to
ICS Components Reference